Monday, October 15, 2012

Taiwan Tea Appreciation with Students from Freshman Tea Class at Monmouth University

We are pleased and very honored to share with you the slideshow of Taiwan Tea Appreciation Class that offered by Kirsten Kristensen to the studens from Freshman Tea Class at Monmouth University on 10/15/2012.
Kirsten has participated our Taiwan Oolongs Study Tour program twice, on 2009 and 2011 respectively.  She published her own magazine "The World of Tea" and dedicate the 2010 Summer issue for "Focus on Taiwan".   We are really proud of her and are so grateful for her great efforts to help promote Taiwan tea and tea culture. 
Kirsten also has shared with the students her unique collection...tea pillow.  Here is something she told me, "I showed the students my tea pillow stuffed with Baozhong Oolong tea and said the Taiwanese students would sleep on it to get better grades! They were amazed with the fragrance and texture. Remember I bought it last year; now it is full! (Mainly from our personal consumption!)  I just dried the tea after we had used it (instead of composting it). " 

We have a YouTube film for this Taiwan Tea Aprreciation

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