Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Encounter Taiwan Oolong in Budapest (9/19/2009)

During our recent trip to Budapest, Hungary, surprisingly, we encountered Taiwan Oolongs in the back yard of East Asia Museum. It was a sunny morning on 9/19/2009, Josephine and I were walking around the city of Budapest. We were attracted by all those beautiful buildings...All of a sudden, a beautiful Hungarian lady at the entrance of the East Asia Museum told us there's a tea display and free tea serving in the back we were very curious to find out...
Klaudia and her sister, two beautiful young ladies were using Guywan to make Taiwan Tung-Ting Oolong... where is the tea from? Can you imagine the tea we just sipped might travel a long journey before it was transported from Moscow to Budapest? I sipped the tea and thought how amazing..."Josephine and I will have our first Taiwan Tea Workshop this evening in town, and now we are here meeting some tea enthusiasts who are promoting Taiwan Oolongs..."
How could we not be humble when we share our teas?
Salute to Klaudia and her sister.
visit their web site: (綠茶亭)


Brett said...

Nihao! Thanks for posting these great pictures and video. Hope you have a great time in Hungary!

Anonymous said...

I love that round brick doorway. It's so mythical like a fairy entrance. Just an enchanted teatime hideaway portal. --Teaternity