Friday, May 31, 2019

How to reach out over a cup of tea ? ( Taiwan Oolong Tasting in DC on 5.31.2019)

Josephine and I are invited by Taiwanese Hakka Culture Foundation of America (THCFA) to give a talk at DC Taiwanese Culture Center.  We are sharing the update of Taiwan tea industry, and also to have fun on 3 Taiwan Oolongs tasting: Alishan Jade (the Milk Oolong), ShanLinSi Gold (Amber Tsui Yu), and Sun Moon Lake Ruby (Formosa Bonita: Ruby 18).

We have many interesting stories to cheer up our audience as well as the fine teas.  Our message is simple:  To reach out with Taiwan tea and story, and to make more friends for Taiwan !

Over a cup of Oolong tea... 
How we can help promote Taiwan over a cup of tea...

「知性. 品味. 喜悅. 台灣烏龍」
“慶祝台灣烏龍茶銷美150 週年, 精彩好茶結好緣” --

今年是台灣関係法40 週年,巧妙的是在1869 年,台北的大稻埕 精製好 12萬7千9佰公斤的Formosa Oolong,從民生西路 上淡水河,正式由 淡水港 飄洋過海 直達 紐約曼哈頓(時稱New Amsterdam). 2019 足足150 年。台灣茶產業歷經了漫長的殖民經濟,改朝換代,每每是整個產業被連根拔起。但是,台灣農民跟這塊土地,一直藴育屬於台灣特有的,世界上最多元的茶文化及經歷許多食安風暴挑戰,衍發出台灣茶產業新思維:「科技、環保、食安」,嶄新的台灣茶文化。

台灣茶葉大使許正龍(Thomas) 及 TOST 計劃執行長潘掬慧(Josephine) 此次專程到DC, 參與雙橡園的活動,並應 “全美台灣客家文化基金會” 於5/31 Friday 3-5pm, 在 DC僑教中心,特別為DC 的鄉親及好朋友,介紹目前台灣的茶產業發展情況,也介紹新一代茶人,如何把科技知識引進老行業。

*台灣烏龍茶七美人,是那些世界公認的 最精彩的烏龍好茶?
*台灣的 亮點茶莊園 如何仿效法國酒莊園 及採納加卅Napa Wine 的策略  建立台灣五星級ISO 茶莊園。
*台灣手搖茶公司 如何仿效 麥當勞大學 的全套教育 成立 波霸學院 及連鎖加盟展店?
*台灣業者 台灣農林公司 如何因應美國政府的 FSMA 法規 及美國市場對 Health and Wealth 的趨勢,全力以赴,執行世界一流的 老埤茶場 計劃?
*台灣烏龍茶硏習計劃(TOST)從2008 年起,如何連續12年,協助播種台灣茶葉草根大使,襄助台灣茶葉推廣?
*更重要的是 台美人 如何 可以 藉一杯台灣茶的分享,為台灣 作很好的國民外交?

精彩的分享,搭配現場有三種烏龍茶(Jade/ Gold/ Ruby 台語:綠金紅) 的品賞。
大家一起,共同度過 一個「非常知性品味喜悅」的星期五下午。非常感謝 大華府客家同鄉會鄉親以及許多社團朋友 熱情參與。

誠心感激 僑教中心 陳世池 主任, 農委會 駐DC 農業參事 林麗芳博士,教育部 駐DC 教育參事 遲耀宗組長,TECRO 經濟組 秘書 亓隆祥 好朋友 在寶貴時間,全程鼓勵。

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Taiwan Oolong @ historical Twin Oaks Estate in US Capital (5.29.2019)

Mr. & Mrs. Ambassador Kao make an official toast at the historical Twin Oaks Estate to all the guests on 5.29.2019 with Formosa Bonita: Ruby 18.  ( In this picture, from the right, Dr. William C. Vocke, Executive Director of Fulbright Taiwan., President Huen=y-Jen Jenny Su of National Cheng Kung University., Madam Sherry Kao and Ambassador Stanley Kao.)

Josephine has single handedly served the best Ruby 18 from SunMoon Lake in chilled, and hot Milk Oolong from Alishan at the reception of Taiwan Night for conference attendants.

I am honored to be invited to share my presentation on ‘US/Taiwan Tea Connection’ - to these academics who are specialized in International Education.

Taiwan Oolong in US Capital:
Sense. Savor. Smile.

Monday, May 6, 2019

Taiwan Oolong Outpost to Mexico (5/5/2019)

5.5.2019 Sunday
Josephine and I crossed the border in early morning to visit our #TOST2018 friend, Mr. Salvador Sosa and his wife, Graciela at their Sinensis Mx in Tijuana.

Very well planned and good audiences they have invited for two sessions.  Among the participants, there are Culinary school director, chefs, coffee baristas, wine sommeliers, coffee roasters, professors, doctors... We happily accomplished our Taiwan Oolong presentations in Mexico.  Although I cannot speak Spanish, but I believe that job will be carried on by Mr. Sosa and his team.

This is merely a small step for us, but it could be a huge move for Taiwan Oolong to get explored to another wonderful World. Crossing the border, crossing the Language and Culture barrier.

As we believe:
“Taiwan Oolong be flavorful, admirers shall follow.
7 Beauties are divine, the World shall happily incline.”

Our job is to spread the good Sense, Oolong-Sense.
We expect to see many Smiling faces who savor Taiwan Oolong.