Sunday, September 29, 2019

Taiwan Tea Event for TAGS (Taiwanese Association of Greater Seattle) @ Bellevue City, Washington

We have been coming to Seattle to attend Northwest Tea Festival for the last 5 years.  Every time, we have thought of reaching out to local TA community to offer a Taiwan Tea Event.  This year, due to the early arrangement, so we can schedule ahead to consolidate our workshops in Tea Festival to be pooled in Saturday,  so we can have Sunday free to do our CommuniTea service first time in Seattle.  Thankful to President John Chou for the organizing this event, and appreciate Director Benoca Chen of Taiwan Culture Center to offer such a good venue.

Celebrating 150 Years of US/Taiwan Tea Connection, we do have so much to learn from the history, and also get enlightened from the strategy that helps to overcome difficult time in Taiwan's tea industry. I am glad this presentation has been well received.

(活動消息轉發 by TAGS)
9月29日,星期日,中午12點到2pm,在Bellevue台灣文教中心(1008 140th Ave NE #108, Bellevue, WA 98005) 有台灣烏龍茶品茶說明會,竭誠歡迎有興趣的同鄉朋友們來參加。
Seattle Taiwan Tea Event-
「知性. 品味.喜悅. 台灣烏龍」
“慶祝台灣烏龍茶銷美150 週年, 精彩好茶結好緣”

今年是台灣関係法40 週年,巧妙的是在1869 年,台北的大稻埕精製好12萬7千9佰公斤的Formosa Oolong, 從民生西路上淡水河,正式由淡水港飄洋過海直達紐約曼哈頓 (時稱New Amsterdam). 2019 足足150 年。台灣茶產業歷經了漫長的殖民經濟,改朝換代,每每是整個產業被連根拔起。但是,台灣農民跟這塊土地,一直藴育屬於台灣特有的,世界上最多元的茶文化及經歷許多食安風暴挑戰,衍發出台灣茶產業新思維:
科技、環保、食安, 新的台灣茶文化。

台灣茶葉大使許正龍(Thomas) 及TOST 計劃執行長 潘掬慧 (Josephine) 此次 專程到Seattle 參與 NorthWest Tea Festival並應主辦單位邀請在Seattle Center 特別作一個專題 介紹目前台灣的茶產業發展情況,也介紹新一代茶人,如何把科技知識引進老行業。為了讓西雅圖的鄉親朋友也有機會了解台灣烏龍茶的歷史沿革,茶葉大使許正龍將於9月29日,星期日,中午12點到2pm,加演一場,在僑教中心,台灣烏龍茶品茶說明會,竭誠歡迎有興趣的同鄉朋友們參加。

*台灣的亮點茶莊園如何仿效法國酒莊園及採納加卅Napa Wine 的策略建立 台灣五星級ISO 茶莊園。
*台灣業者台灣農林公司如何因應 美國政府的FSMA法規 及 美國市場對Health and Wealth 的趨勢, 全力以赴執行世界一流的老埤茶場計劃?
*台灣烏龍茶硏習計劃(TOST)從2008 年起,如何連續12年,協助播種台灣茶葉草根大使,協助台灣茶葉推廣?

更重要的是 台美人 如何可以藉一杯台灣茶的分享,為台灣作很好的國民外交?

精彩的分享,搭配現場有 台灣烏龍的品賞。希望大家一起共同度過一個 「非常知性品味喜悅 」的週末。

Sharing Taiwan tea with our cultural ambassadors from FASCA @ Seattle

The Formosa Association of Student Cultural Ambassadors (FASCA) in Seattle invites us to give a brief talk about Taiwan tea history and how we can reach out to make friends over a cup of Taiwan tea.  In a short 30 minutes, starts from "Taiwan Oolong Chant" led by Josephine... and we then have the students to taste Alishan Jade and Classic Tung-Ting while we share with them Oolong-Sense.

Thanks to Director Chen of TECO Seattle Culture Center coordinates such an event on our way to the Northwest Tea Festival.


Saturday, September 28, 2019

US/Taiwan Tea Connection 150 years review @ 2019 Northwest Tea Festival

After Los Angeles, DC, Las Vegas, Seattle is our last celebration of 150 Years: US/Taiwan Tea Connection at trade shows and tea festivals before heading back to celebrate in Taiwan.

Northwest Tea Festival is celebrating its 12th successful year and the show floor is packed of tea enthusiasts!

Thankful to Mr. Salvador Sosa of Sinensis to represent JT & Tea.  Also we are very lucky to have Luz Martinez to help out in good spirit.

Bring Fine Tea Drinking into Americans' Daily Life

9.28.2019 @ #2019NorthwestTeaFestival
This is my new workshop and appreciate Doug and Julee to let us have it.

My good friend, Sensei James Norwood Pratt asked me,
'How is your Personal Tasting workshop turns out?'
I told him that Americans will eventually have their own Tea culture that brought in from the West (*Aristocratic Afternoon Affair for Wealthy and who Have Time...) and from the East (Tea Ceremony, Cha-Lei, ChaNoYu... very formal) gradually to evolve into Americans' lifestyle. Personal Tasting will let every tea lover to own his/her Freedom to make his/her own tea, any time when he/she feels like to have a good cup of tea.

James smiles and says, that is very true.
'In my tea class, I always tell the participants:
the best way to make a good cup of tea, is to make it wrong for a couple of times, and you will figure out the right way.'

Bring fine tea drinking into our daily life !