Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Bopiliao in Wanhua, a place to visit in Taipei!

On 3/27/2010, I got a call from a fellow tea enthusiast, Ah Liang. He invited me to meet him at Bopiliao. I really don't know where it is...but, I am glad that I did make it there to see this place.
Ah Liang has a tea booth there under one old tea room in Wanhua at an earlier time. He did enjoy sharing tea stories there...
大道無門 識茶有路 ─

很高興看到 阿亮識茶之路
幾個好友圍爐喝茶 天南地北 何其容易
但在眾人之前 三言兩語 讓大家駐足傾聽 需要硬實功夫
設計動作玩茶 三點捧杯 成山似品 是個"動手作"好主意
少談玄理 多說故事 從種茶 作茶 賣茶 買茶 送茶 喝茶....去加溫
茶人茶事 無盡趣事 無苦不成甘 有趣方延緣 眾飲乃得慧
台灣好茶 需要更多盡心盡力的投入與推動

喜見茶人阿亮 自覓識茶之路 剝皮寮說故事 是以為誌

Thomas (3/27/2010 Taipei)

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