We had one successful tea event that hosted by TAP-SF in San Jose Taiwan Center followed by another workshop in Cal Campus back on April 2010. The new culture event chair of TAP-SF, Angela Hsueh called us to schedule for another one... Here we come.
Before the event, we were told there are 70 people RSVP for this tea workshop. By the time the workshop began... we had over 120 tea lovers seated in the room. Amazingly, a few friends actually are repeaters and they also have their friends tagged along. Lucky that we did prepare this workshop a bit different from the previous one. With a better display, a tasting list and also a Taiwan tea map...which seem to work much better for our tea tasting. Josephine did share some nice pictures from our Taiwan Oolongs Study Tour program, so many of these Taiwanese American Professionals might visit some tea gardens in Taiwan on their next trip to visit their parents' motherland.
One bonus for this trip to San Jose, we got chance to visit The Mountain Winery in Saratoga. We enjoy that place very much, and believe it could be a good model one day Taiwan can develop a similar tea tasting facility in the tea estate with similar concept - such as: outdoor theater for summer concerts...restaurants for wedding banquets...We did our wines tasting there, and purchased a few bottles of Merlot.
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