Sunday, April 22, 2012

Cheer Up with Brandy Oolong (4/21/2012 @ Azusa Tea Club

Azusa Tea Club is having the April meet up on 4/21/2012.  Total 14 friends are participating this topic - Cheer Up with Brandy Oolong.  We prepare 6 different teas - Ruby 18, HonYun 21, FB 27, FB 74, FB 68 and FB 11.  (*FB 11 is same cultivar with FB 74, most are Haoya and tender leaf were picked and made for the tea.)   Our first session is a standardized cupping.  Followed with a short discussion and sharing the comments. Then, we have 6 volunteers to do the actual tea infusion for tasting.  I have to say, we have a great group of tea lovers in our Azusa Tea Club that every one is willing to volunteer to take the assignment.  Actually, without knowing the tea and tea ware in make a good pot of tea for tasting is a huge challenge to any one.  But, that is our meet up for... we are learning together.  Also, I thank to all for offering me more ideas that what to do in World Tea Expo for the similar cupping.   Enjoy the slideshow.

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