Friday, May 22, 2015

Focused Tasting: Oolong Sommelier @ 2015 World Tea Expo

Taiwan Tea Institute has finally completed a full training session for "OOLOONG Sommelier".  There are four areas that we want to emphasize, and each will be offered as single workshop with hands on study. 
1.) Theory behinds the Spectrum
2.) Cupping and Grading Oolong
3.) Tasting for Marketing
4.) Serving Programs and Creating Menus

Focused Tasting is a highlight while we are covering the Theory.

I am glad to work with this group at the 2015 World Tea Expo.  I hope we will be able to offer our Skill Building Workshop: Cupping and Grading Oolong by WTE 2016.

Please enjoy the slideshow taken on 5/7/2015 class:

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