Monday, December 29, 2008
2008 World Tea Expo @ Las Vegas
2008 WTE 世界茶博會紀實與觀感
台灣區製茶工業同業公會 (范德光)
地點:美國內華達州、拉斯維加斯Lasvegas,Nevada(Mandalay Bay展場)
台灣名茶參展團員有沙坑、台灣農林、飄逸、日日茗茶、宏益、老台灣、碧廬、誠健共8家廠商,迄今世界上最具專業性茶展或茶博為此莫是,WORLD TEA EXPO,簡稱WTE,已在美國辦理數屆,而台灣透過台茶大使許正龍先生之回報,推介與本會理監事議決參與, 並感謝農委會國際處的支持及國貿局駐洛杉磯沈小姐長官的蒞臨指導。2007在美東亞特蘭大Atlanta全球聞名的3C城 (Cola,CNN,Civil Right)首次參展,效果良好,台灣名茶攤位上披著國旗回到世界茶的大家庭裡,又開始以〝台灣名茶〞與產茶國家、各消費國家及美國國內的進口商、批發商、零售商露臉互動。
We want TEA, we want TEA.
We want Taiwan Oolong Tea.
Oolong Tea, Oolong Tea,
Taiwan Oolong the best Tea.
①此次專業茶展,全部約986 Booth(攤位),380家廠商出展有來自全球茶生產國家,消費國家以及美國本土各州各城茶商,進口批發、零售,甚至食品商、飲料商。
④WTE有很豐富的課程教育,尤其今年由上個月訪台之Jane Peetigrew作 〝台灣茶介紹〞爾後到台灣攤位的訪客有歐美甚至產茶的印錫非等地,均很有興趣要到台灣茶區,看看我們的烏龍茶。(本會感謝黃顧問安排Jane之訪台,更感謝他向大會推介她介紹台茶,以夷制夷比我們自己老黃賣瓜,會瓜更甜,瓜更美也!)
黃顧問與本人回台過境洛杉磯期間,接受美國生活電台〝客家情味〞節目的訪問,談及此次世界茶博會,台灣特色茶在世界大展中表現耀眼,並參觀台茶子弟許正龍先生設立經美國衛生安全認證通過的大型精製加工發貨工廠-ABC Tea House;承蒙台茶大使引見拜會全美最大的日本著名的「山本山」茶業商社,其在20年前曾以對台茶最有貢獻的日本茶商接受本會的頒獎表揚,居於世界茶業經營的變革,於十幾年前在美西設置據點,拓銷美國市場,其在巴西擁有廣大茶園,特例開放讓我們參觀,其設備的新穎齊全,規模之大,令人咋舌!讓我們了解到茶葉在美國市場之規模及消費形態與通路;也參訪了印度加味茶加工廠,規模龐大的廠房、倉庫,據其老闆的簡報,其是印度南部產茶區出生,到了美國投入自己的本行,其營運情況,五年成長了10倍,可見美國市場之大,讓我們瞭解到歐美市場仍以紅茶為主流,其加味茶的時興,亦是台灣茶加工產業不可忽視的一環。看看國外茶商、茶廠努力生產拓銷的同時,感觸良多,反觀國內的茶業政策自我設限於國內茶農,其發展是〝地方特色茶〞走向〝茶的藝術品〞,茶的單價這幾年以倍數膨脹,如高山茶、東方美人茶(白毫烏龍茶),耕地面積、產量卻逐年減少,根據統計台茶耕地面積去年只剩一萬五千多公頃,產量也由一萬八、九千噸降至一萬七千噸左右;而台茶〝茶產業〞卻棄之如敝履任其自生自滅,未曾加以規範與管理,其實台茶的茶產業環境,比之歐美不產茶的加工型態,台茶產業條件環境較佳,有優良的加工技術更有優質的台茶可供拼配,台灣的〝茶產業〞應仿效國外升級為〝茶工業〞,本會一再主張與良心的建議〝茶葉〞與〝茶業〞應該兼顧,可是主政者好像忽視了這一區塊,一念之差將陷台茶於不復,台茶走向反轉,只剩日益減少茶農為主的〝地方特色茶〞終極變成〝茶的藝術品〞,誠然忘記往日靠工廠生產創匯,今日世界賴以流通主流的茶產品,若是如此,台茶仍需大張旗鼓的海外拓銷嗎?與政策似乎有點矛盾!台茶〝還茶於農〞後,偌大的產業虛耗了二十幾年,暮然回首,政府的主政者、學者專家及業者只是徒嘆可惜,令人不勝噓唏!
2007 World Tea Expo @ Atlanta, GA
Thomas was invited to help out for TTMA at the 2007 World Tea Expo at Atlanta, GA. Besides working on TTMA's booth, Thomas also got invited to conduct Taiwan Oolongs Tasting at the booth of International Tea Importers. On 6/10/2007, WTE invited Thomas to get on the stage to warm up for the keynote speech by the supermarket guru Mr. Philip Lemperte.
The following article is reported by Mr. Ted Fan, Secretary General of TTMA.
2007世界茶博會台灣茶展風采 (范德光)
公會今年會員大會後,新科“台茶大使”許正龍先生到公會來申謝,並與李理事長、黃顧問報告了些美國茶情,提到全球唯一專業茶葉展WORLD TEA EXPO,在美已辦了六年,今年在美東喬治亞州的亞特蘭大市舉行,該市辦過奧林匹克運動會,也是全球的3C都市〈Coca Cola 總部、CNN總部以及馬丁路德金恩博士推動Civic Right重鎮〉。台灣政府及業界均自傲“精緻烏龍茶冠全球”,理當參展亮相,或說分享台灣名茶於全人類。參展除了全美茶商大大小小均蒞會或展或買,更有各茶葉生產國,印、錫、肯亞、日本、中國已參展多年不曾缺席過。當下李理事長與黃顧問決定以天仁、沙坑〈惠美壽〉帶頭報名參展,並向主管機關報告此事,由本會本人協調台灣區輸出公會,共同進行招展及與主辦單位開始聯繫。時間緊迫,兩會共徵展到六家7個攤位,名單如下:天仁公司、沙坑〈惠美壽〉公司、宏益茶業公司、老台灣茶業公司、源記新茶業公司、茗窖公司。 本會亦商請正麗旅行社,協辦訂機位轉機及會場最近之HOTEL。俟一切妥善安排後,全體參展人員,除天仁由紐約店派人外,同一天6/7搭機12小時到美西,等候轉機3小時再飛4個半小時才到ATLANTA。每人2件行李箱,由機場直接到會場,美東時間6/8一大早6點多就進場,確實把會場工作人員嚇了一大跳,那麼早就來佈置。因出展品均是由個人攜帶,所以找定自己攤位,大家開始“行頭佈置”。佈置好後進住OMNI HOTEL,立刻先休息,因為長途近20小時飛行加上時差,每個人均累到體力有不支感呢!尤其團長黃顧問70歲老人跟我們一齊打拼,我們格外感謝他的親臨參展及指導展出。6月9日到11日三天出展,辛苦而圓滿結束,並於6/12經美西轉機回台灣。綜合這次參加WTE〈World Tea Expo〉,本人全程參與,特陳述報告如下,供我會員們分享此行及此展之特色與成果。
1〉 WTE為目前全球唯一專業茶展,不同於許多食品展、飲料展、咖啡與茶展,茶只是附屬而不是主角,此次WTE入場人至少須為茶商、或生產國茶單位,沒有閒逛人或消費者,管制嚴謹確實罕見。
2〉 第一次沒有“外貿協會”之主導、協助,完完全全由本會主控,參展人員以行李箱帶行頭,有點孤獨欠助或不太習慣,但克服種種困難,也是本團之驕傲,本會對參展者致上感謝合作。會場上我們發現“六角國際”公司、“瑞杰茶公司”出現,他們不知有公會參展,而個別報名出展。在看到“台灣名茶”展示區後,直說下次一定要找公會,感到個別的力量單薄,也很肯定公會做法作業。
3〉 會員源記新公司謝瑞隆先生,或太勞累、或機上不小心著涼,第一天出展時,發生腸胃型感冒忽冷忽熱,經聯繫駐亞特蘭大經濟文化辦事處報告急要找“醫師”,辦事處經濟組沈組長立刻來會場,帶去看病及午餐再送回會場。出門在外,全體很溫心代表處之關愛幫助,我們確實有必要有政府的關心呢。
4〉 我國駐Atlanta吳榮泉處長〈總領事〉及旅居當地”世界台灣人大會”召集人郭重國夫婦,於6/9出展第一天晚上專程來Hotel看看我們及送上水果給我們補補VITAM-C,因為美國速食熱狗、漢堡確實令每人不太習慣,而會場Georgia Congress Center在市中心,距台灣城好遠呢。第二天6/10晚上吳處長及台灣商會涂會長還在台灣城設宴三桌請大家飽食一頓佳餚─台式料理呢。吳處長苦心安排專車來回,我們想自付餐資反被責怪,一付大家長理應照顧台灣來的人,用心又花錢,令大家甚覺溫馨感激。處長還說他自己辦公室備有茶具組,常常以“台灣名茶”招待來訪國際人士,自己也是台茶愛好者,以台茶作外交橋樑呢。我們回到Hotel,大家也向我說,應當向農委會建言,多多撥點經費由公會提供外交部給駐外單位使用且也廣告台灣名茶呢。
5〉 三天展期,每天為11:30AM到5:30PM,但每天8:00AM到12:00均有論壇上課,老外真的很用心上課聽講且付費呢。諸如認識尼泊爾茶、印度茶、中國茶、錫蘭茶、肯亞茶與起士、甜點、茶葉包裝、設計、冰茶、郵購、零售商之策略、客服、行銷策略、買茶交易方法、茶與健康、茶與草本茶、訓練鑑定茶、混配茶技術等等。大會特別設舞台供韓國茶禮、日本茶道表演。在第二天6/10晚上大會特別在大會議廳要全員去聽聽Keynote Address,請來全美著名“超市專家” Philip Lempert主講2007茶趨勢,The World, Your Customers & Your Business,由戰後嬰兒潮將於2010年達65歲去論述消費、健康、環保…,相當精闢。而主講人演講前,大會還先邀請我們「台灣茶葉大使」許正龍先生上台,介紹台灣茶現況與歡迎台灣茶人到訪,他當場邀請世界茶人務必到台灣展區品嘗精緻的台灣名茶,現場他以自編之客家山歌 ”台灣茶人頌” –
烏龍茶 烏龍茶 台灣特色烏龍茶
包種香 高山醇 東方美人韻味長
品種改良 作工出眾 茶人用心值得誇
世 界 茶葉舞台 台灣茶展風采
高歌一曲,贏得全場掌聲。第二天會場內見到台灣茶人均“hello, Taiwan Tea”招呼呢! 感謝許
以上記事報告,我們團員均肯定此項世界專業茶展,台灣絕不應缺席。台茶若只重內銷會被國際遺忘、會被世界茶葉大家庭除名或誤會列入中國的一省茶〈這次中國有北京、浙江、廣東、湖南等等參展〉。此次大會中,台灣代表團與各國代表團均以產茶國家展區內,展示特色台灣好茶,加上台茶子弟長期在美國茶業界的耕耘推廣,的確有助台灣形象提升。目前我們對於烏龍茶應當多作推廣,而先人留下的紅茶、綠茶,不管是技術還是產品,我們也應給後代茶人有看到認知的機會與空間。公會應向政府報告多多鼓勵年輕同業們出去參展、出去結交世界茶商茶人,明年5/30-6/1在美西LAS VEGAS舉辦第七屆,又將是一次台茶出擊的機會,政府、同業們也請加以注重爭取。(本文作者范德光,現任台灣製茶公會總幹事)
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Role Model of LA18 for the month July/2008
Due to technical problem,
please click on following link:
please click on following link:
Friday, December 19, 2008
Delightful Rain


"Oh, heavenly God, it is raining ..."
There is a very popular Hakka folk song: Delightful Rain (天公落水).
The melody is very cheerful and your feet will tap along as soon as you hear the music. Back on 2005 Los Angeles Hakka Concert, Lynn and Josephine tried to work on adding new spirit to this old Hakka folk song. They did a marvelous touch-up, and this song appeals to me a lot more sense and it is one of my favorite.
天 公 啊....... 落 水 啊....
阿妹啊 戴著笠媽 來到坑水邊
坑水啊 清又清 魚兒在水中介泅來泅去
坑水啊 清又清 魚兒在水中介泅來泅去
Oh, heavenly God, it is raining!!
The young girl wearing a bamboo hat, arrives at the creek side.
The creek is clear that fish are swimming happily.
April 5, 2006, I was back to Taiwan for our family's annual tomb cleaning.
That afternoon, my brother Jackson invited me to visit a friend of his at Pinlin Pouchong tea district. There's a slightly shower right upon our arrival...the farmer was extremely excited. No time to sit down to have a cup of tea...he simply invited us to visit his tea garden right on the hill behind his house...and his wife joined with us to the tea garden half hour later with some nice delicacies…
It triggered me to have the idea to re-write the lyrics for this Hakka folk song. I hope you will appreciate it as much as I do.
茶園情真 (用 客家歌謠「天公落水」)天 公 吶... 落 水 啊...
天公吶 落水啊 阿哥啊 戴著笠媽 來到茶園唇
茶樹啊 青又青 茶枝生満嫩芽新葉
天公吶 落水啊 阿妹啊 摜著點心 來到茶園唇
看哥啊 笑咪咪 期望好茶啊 賣出好價
天 公 吶..... 落 水 啊 ......
天公吶 落水啊 阿哥啊 戴著笠媽 來到茶園唇
茶樹啊 青又青 茶枝生満嫩芽新葉
天公吶 落水啊 阿妹啊 摜著點心 來到茶園唇
看哥啊 笑咪咪 期望好茶啊 賣出好價
天 公 吶..... 落 水 啊 ......
Oh, heavenly God, it is raining!!
A young man wearing bamboo hat strolls to the tea garden.
The tea bushes are green, and the branches are full of young buds and new tender leaves.
A young girl carrying a bucket of snacks strolls to the tea garden.
Looking at her lover with big sweet smiles,
they both are hoping:
A young man wearing bamboo hat strolls to the tea garden.
The tea bushes are green, and the branches are full of young buds and new tender leaves.
A young girl carrying a bucket of snacks strolls to the tea garden.
Looking at her lover with big sweet smiles,
they both are hoping:
We will have a good crop, and our fine tea will bring us a fortune!!
Oh, Heavenly God, it is raining!!
How true it is! These farmers are waiting anxiously for the delightful rain in the Spring time.
A cup of fine tea is indeed filled with love and gratitude.
Salute to these diligent tea farmers!
I found one video of the play from the YouYube:
In 2015 World Tea Expo - on the Special Events Stage 5/7/2015 - I have this one to cheer up our audience. Delightfufl Rain
In 2015 World Tea Expo - on the Special Events Stage 5/7/2015 - I have this one to cheer up our audience. Delightfufl Rain
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Enjoy a Taiwanese film - Cape No. 7

I admit that I don't know movie, but I enjoy watching good movies. To me, a good movie just like a good tea. You have to blend in many different ingredients with various elements and efforts to have a harmonized presentation. Is this tea good? Only the one who drinks it can really tell. Apparently, "Cape No. 7" is a fantastic Taiwanese movie that many Taiwanese enjoy it so much and I am definitely not alone.
The 1st Los Angeles Taiwanese Film Festival was successfully taken placed on December 12-14, 2008 at James Bridges Theatre, UCLA. I was invited to offer Taiwan teas at the reception party for the Opening Ceremony. Due to this help out, I got the chance unexpectedly to have close interaction with Director Wei of the hottest movie from Taiwan, Cape No.7.
Director D.S. Wei is such a humble and descent young man. Very hard for me to believe that he is the one who breaks so many records in Taiwan's movie industry. Most unbelievably, he told us that including himself, this film is consisting of a bunch of people's efforts, who were all at their careers' low point while this movie was shooting. No one expects this movie will be such a big hit drawing all kinds of attention, received good echoes from the diversed groups of audience who bought tickets, not only once, not only for ownself...many audience admit they haven't entered movie theatres for a long long time. Director Wei quietly says: hoping this movie won't use up all his luck.
One can easily google "Cape No. 7 " for so much great comments from the news and many case you've seen it yet...
This is a movie about the unwavering pursuits for music, dream and love. It not only moves us with its passion and also lures us by its lavish presentation of South Taiwan's breathtaking scenery through its top-notch cinematography.
Why this movie can touch so many Taiwanese hearts?
Just like Director Wei said at the Q&A session after the movie:
He believes that every audience might find the shadow of oneself from the film.
We have studied the event and decided to serve the following three different Taiwan teas on the evening of 12/12/2008 at the Opening Ceremony:
Jade Oolong Classic -
A high mountain grown Chin-Sin Oolong from Alishan. Very soothing with luscious aroma and lingering sweet finish...
Earl Grey XO -
"XO" draws good attention from guests...alcohol in this tea? most guests ask the same question.
Well, for the wine, XO means extra old., this Earl Grey XO is Excellent Oolong that scented with Earl Grey flavoring... What a nice treat for our American friends!
Herbal Guava -
I was told that many guests might be afraid of caffeine, especially during the evening.
We then decided to have this most popular Herbal drink in Taiwan's history. It was often served under the big tree to greet the people who travel by on the country paths...the story fits so well for this occasion.
These 3 teas were freshly brewed in tea-one brewers and served in 3 air-pots that been refilling whole evening long. Our volunteer Rebecca Wang did a marvelous job. Again, Josephine did a nice display and elegant signs for each tea...I am glad to say, "Mission Accomplished".
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Formosa Oolong



(用 鄭智仁「台灣百合」in Hakka Taiwanese)
Formosa 烏龍茶 實在讚 蓬萊寶島介特產
作茶介功夫 第一流 一年一季來膨風
綠色介茶蟬 六月來訪問 留下特殊天然蜜香
風行全世界 人人都誇讚 東方美人名聲最響
作茶介功夫 第一流 一年一季來膨風
Formosa Oolong truly is amazing,
the famous and unique product of Taiwan.
It takes great craftsmanship to produce this tea,
and merely one short crop every year.
Those green leaf-hoppers are angels from the heaven,
arrive in June with their natural fragrance.
The beloved Formosa Oolong is known as
"Oriental Beauty" throughout the world.
It takes great craftsmanship to produce this tea,
and merely one short crop a long year.
"Formosa Lily", composed by Dr. J.Z. Cheng. This song won him the second place award in 2003 Panama World Folksong Contest. In our Hakka Concert 2005 and 2006, we have used several pieces that composed by Dr. Cheng, and I helped to convert the original Holo lyrics in Hakka Taiwanese for those concerts. Since then, we become good friends. After the concerts, oneday I got the idea, why not use this beautiful melody to promote my beloved Formosa Oolong...I got his permission, and this "Formosa Lily" has another new lyrics to introduce "Formosa Oolong - the Oriental Beauty" !
I thought this will be a great tool, and I always enjoy this song while I am doing my Oolong Tea Class. The audience can share my passion in this tea and appreciate its uniqueness. STI's first Oolong 3 class back on Jan 21,2007 at San Francisco is my virgin performance.
(The following video was filmed while I had a tea workshop with a bunch of students at UC Irvine, back on 11/19/2009.)
Another video available:
Another video available:
Taiwan Oolong vs. China Oolong

Back on Taiwan Teas Study Tour last October, we had a small discussion about how to easily identify different Oolongs on our bus to Tung Ting, Nantou.
Similarly, some participants of STI's Oolong 3 classes did reflect to me that they have this experience: when they finish my Taiwan Oolong session, they thought they got it, they can surely tell the difference among various Taiwan Oolongs now. However, when they completed the China Oolong session, they then got lost again...
It might be true that Taiwan Oolongs are categorized by the Processing, and Most China Oolongs are still remaining to be identified by teas' cultivars. This means in Taiwan, you can easily pick one Oolong, and tell what type of Oolong it is and you have the confidence to brew the tea well accordingly.
Thing does not just happen...I do have the following story to share.
It began long time ago while Master Jackson Huang chaired Taiwan Tea Manufacturers' Association. He and his board members have tried very hard to cut off super complicated names for Taiwan Oolongs on the market. TTMA has figured out different ways to simplify the categories of Taiwan Oolongs and the efforts paid off. I remembered when I was helping TTMA to participate 1996 Fancy Foods Show at Philadelphia...we set up our display with Four teas, four only for a 40' booth. Those 4 teas are Jade Oolong, Amber Oolong, White-Tip Oolong and the Pouchong. We gave away free tea samples with a simple request: you have to tell us which tea by calling the name loud. (*That was really a lot of fun!) After they took the sample, we asked the next question: "Do you know how to make it? Do you want to join us for a hands on tea tasting?" It ends up we have run 36 Tea-One Tasting Classes right at the show and we have seeded 100 plus Taiwan Oolong Tea Specialists. Among them, some now own big tea companies, some run tea stores, some are still teaching at WTE and STI...
Time flies, it is a great memory that I will always enjoy with a cup of Oolong.
What type of Oolong?
Well... give me Pouchong now.
Later, I will like to have a cup of winter Jade Oolong...
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
The Unreachable Star
This is Hakka Song is produced by Sam-Gup-Shui Studio.
It was the song for 228-61 Hakka Concert...
It was the song for 228-61 Hakka Concert...
“The Unreachable Star”
潘掬慧 作詞/ 黃令先 作曲
台灣人 肩揩 忍不得介傷痛
來改正 無法度改介錯誤
就算手骨酸痛 也愛緊去試
去摘 該粒 無可能介星星
To reach the unreachable star,
we are to reach the unreachable star!
台灣人 勇敢 面對困難
撈 打不倒介敵人 打戰
就算手骨酸痛 也愛咬著牙根
直到 摘到 該粒星
To reach the unreachable star,
We are to reach the unreachable star!
Tea and Zen
A friend wrote us to find out the proper translation for her tea event at NY...
無限茶趣-以茶入道 茶禪一味
my suggestion is:
Experience the World of Harmony
with a cup of tea that in tune with Zen practice!
無限茶趣-以茶入道 茶禪一味
my suggestion is:
Experience the World of Harmony
with a cup of tea that in tune with Zen practice!
Happy to Launch...

We are excited!
Finally, we launch our own blog! For a long time, we have talked about it.
Finally, we launch our own blog! For a long time, we have talked about it.
It is a great experience to learn all sorts of tricks and having fun. I have the same feeling for the preparation of a new tea: Just try on, after few infusions, we will figure out how to make a good cup of tea!
Talk about tea, tea's a lot of fun...
Talk about tea, tea's a lot of fun...
We will try to focus our blog on tea and...Hakka culture.
We pick the name: Pon Fong Cha as it is indeed a great tea that only produced in Taiwan's Hakka villages, very near our home towns. Hakka in Taiwan has experienced a long history and a fairy close ties with Taiwan's tea industry. Singing Hakka Tea Mountain Love Songs is another hobby we have been shared for the past few years. We run Sam-Gup-Shui Studio, which we work with our talented pianist Lynn Huang to make new Hakka songs and produce Hakka concerts and various culture programs.
We pick the name: Pon Fong Cha as it is indeed a great tea that only produced in Taiwan's Hakka villages, very near our home towns. Hakka in Taiwan has experienced a long history and a fairy close ties with Taiwan's tea industry. Singing Hakka Tea Mountain Love Songs is another hobby we have been shared for the past few years. We run Sam-Gup-Shui Studio, which we work with our talented pianist Lynn Huang to make new Hakka songs and produce Hakka concerts and various culture programs.
We are happy that from now on, we can record our ideas, events and many many crazy thoughts...right here at our own blog.
It will be a big commitment to carry on. In the meanwhile, please enjoy many good pictures taken from our recent Tea Tour at Taiwan. (just click on the following link)!!
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